• The importance of color in matching kids wear

The importance of color in matching kids wear

When choosing clothes for kids, parents should first take care of the color of kids wear, because children are born to be sensitive to colors and they have their own likes as well as dislikes. If kids' skin is not so white, good choices for them are garments with high brightness and color purity, which will make them looked bright and energetic.

If the kid has relatively white skin color, he/she will have a wide range of choices for clothes' colors. She will looks active and bright in pink, yellow and red. Gray and black will also make a girl delicate and elegant, giving people an impression that she is always charming with either light or heavy makeup.

When we match kids wear, we should not only consider the relationship between color and kids' complexion, we also consider the relationship between color and kids' figure. For chubby kids, we can choose clothes of cool or dark colors such as gray, black and blue, which will make them looked thinner than they actually are. While for thin or slim kids, we can choose warm colors such as green, cream-colored, brown, etc, since these are expansive colors which will create the sense of enthusiasm.

Of course, the color matching for kids wear is flexible. The excessively stylized wear will make kids looked rigid and without vigor. But too many changes of colors will also make the clothes become a mess. The only purpose of matching colors or clothes is to make people looked beautiful and comfortable.

                     kids wear